Today’s media savvy consumers demand access to information at the speed of light. Who do you call when you need to get your message out? Rent-A-Bit has been serving the needs of both local and national campaigns, government officials and corporate communicators for over 25 years!
Ground breaking ceremony in the middle of a cornfield? No problem – Rent-A-Bit inventories deep cycle battery operated PA systems that will run for hours. Surprise victory in a heated election? No problem!
Rent-A-Bit technicians are standing by to help you find the equipment you need for any event.
Call us or click below to request a quote for Press Conference & Ground-Breaking Ceremony rentals.
We have been in the business for some time, and it has been awhile since we have seen such support and training your crew showed our client...We could not have pulled it off with out your team.
I just wanted to take a second to thank you for helping me pull off our big meeting with the four screen really went well! I am pleased, my boss is pleased, and his boss is pleased...
I want to thank you for all your work in shaping, honing, and making Rent-A-Bit such a vital factor in the success of the Regional Conference...